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Whalen M.A., Whippo R.D., Stachowicz J.J., York P.H., …. Yeager M.E., … and Bulleri F. 2020. Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 117 (45): 28160 – 28166. 10.1073/pnas.2005255117
Yeager M.E., T.C. Gouhier, A.R. Hughes. 2020. Predicting the stability of multitrophic communities in a variable world. Ecology. 101(4):e02992. 10.1002/ecy.2992
Dunn R.P., A.H. Altieri, K. Miller, M.E. Yeager and K.A. Hovel. 2018. Contrasting behavioral responses to predatory risk cues reflect different foraging strategies in two Caribbean sea urchins. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 604: 187-198.
Yeager M.E. and K.A. Hovel. 2017. Structural complexity and fish body size interactively affect habitat optimality. Oecologia. 185(2): 257-267.
Dunn R.P., A.H. Altieri, K. Miller, M.E. Yeager and K.A. Hovel. 2017. Coral structural complexity drives a demographic trade-off for an increasingly important Caribbean herbivore. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 577: 33-47.

Bocas del Toro, Panama

University of California, Santa Cruz



Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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